The aim of The Southern Maryland Youth Camp is to provide camping and recreational activities for our young people, including those with disabilities. The objectives of the Youth Camp include, but are not limited to:
- Nurturing traditional values, support democratic ideals, and to provide educational opportunities that may not otherwise be available
- Providing an opportunity to mainstream interactions between children with disabilities and those who are not
- romoting a better understanding of nature through a direct interface with the environment
- Helping to teach youth how to live in harmony with their environment in order to promote the preservation of natural resources
- Providing primitive camping facilities for organized youth groups
- Providing domiciliary and recreational facilities for all youth
- Providing facilities for picnics, hikes, athletic contests, and other events
The Youth Camp is managed by the "Youth Camp Board of Directors and Youth Camp Operations Committee." The Board of Directors is composed of Legionnaires from the Southern Maryland District of The American Legion, Department of Maryland. The Board is elected by their respective American Legion County Councils and is responsible for administration and Youth Camp policy. The Youth Camp Operations Committee, consists of Legionnaires and members of select organizations appointed by the Board of Directors. It is responsible for the construction and day to day operations of the Youth Camp.
The facilities and programs are available to all youth, regardless of sex, race, color, creed, or religious belief, provided: Those wishing to use the Youth Camp must belong to a bonafide youth group that subscribes to the above criteria; A requesting group must complete an Application for Use and return it to the Youth Camp Operations Committee 90 days prior to the requested date of use;
Additional Youth Camp Information may be obtained by calling telephone number 301 509-5633 or you can e-mail smdyc.martin@gmail.com., Leave a message and a representative of the Youth Camp will return your call.
American Legion Youth Protection Background Investigation Portal- Current Job Opportunities

The mailing address of the Youth Camp is:
Southern Maryland District Youth Camp
P.O. Box 30
Clinton, MD 20735
